Thursday, March 30, 2006

Poem: My Father's Son

My Father's Son

I am my father's son
Loving openly
With displays of affection

Bringing a voice to the cause
Desirous of healing all wounds

Yet playful
And curious
And filled with a million words

I am my father's son

Copyright SGW 2006


STP said...

Sorry to hear your dad has been so impacted by the accident. Be grateful that he remains with you, though, and succor each ounce of him you can in his good moments. To answer your question, no, but yes, regarding my dad reading this poem. No, because he died suddenly at his office desk in 1992. Yes, because I think he looks down and sees.

STP said...

Well, given my last 18 months, I am not so sure I am getting much assistance. I think he is more watching to see how I wiggle through things, but I can cope with his just observing I suppose AND waiting for me so we can talk more. Not familiar with the book.