Friday, July 29, 2005

Poem: George Bush Is An Asshole

George Bush Is An Asshole

Corrupted regime is imbedded
In fabric of governmental design
Now we are stuck with an asshole
Unless he is forced to resign

He smirks and he grins from his pulpit
Mindless in directive and plan
When the nation was facing its terror
He revealed himself half of a man

Extremist and radically driven
Zealotry stems from his soul
Only when all can be conquered
Will he attain of his ultimate goal

Condemns and eschews moderation
He’s devoid of all ethical traits
What is not absolute to his favor
Is assigned with illogical hate

A legacy built upon ruin
Of people and programs destroyed
His time in the White House remembered
For the ruthless betrayals employed

Representing the worst in our nation
His minions a dastardly crew
All we can hope from the people
They’ll awaken to turn more states blue

ht SGW 2005


STP said...

You are from Canada, so I am surprised. Most non-Americans hate Bush, and now we Americans are learning, too. His approvals are about 30% now.

This post gets a lot of readers. No comments since my older version of Poetic Leanings had them and I could not restore the comments easily.

STP said...

Well, at least they all were likely in agreement. Restores my faith in Canada!

STP said...

I will look. :-)