Thursday, January 24, 2008

Poem: Hall of Mirrors

Hall of Mirrors

Multitude of direction
Many luring paths
Each road offering mixed truths
As hope breaks swiftly
Banging into false windows
Showing what seemed real
Nothing more then wounded pride
Conquered yet again

Copyright SGW 2008


STP said...

Thanx for popping in and reading. I, too, write about current news topics, nature and, well, you name it! Take a look at my link list and I bet you will find something along all those lines.
"Falling Softly" is a wonderful song. I want to see the movie, but have not yet. I will eventually.

STP said...

I am going to rent it for over the weekend. You were my kick in the pants!

I will browse around your site when I have more time. I promise.

Kindred spirits are a great thing in my book!

STP said...

Thank you for all the comments!! Yes, I just read that comment. I can tell where they come from because blogger's comments direct you to the original post.

Anonymous said...

I liked it; it oddly gave me thoughts about running into clear sliding glass doors for some odd reason.

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, those hopes like birds that hurt themselves on windows! Know the feeling, Scott.

This is for you:
Wrod Power

STP said...

I don't recommend that. It hurts one's nose a lot!