Saturday, February 16, 2008

10 Things I Would Never Say

I've been tagged by Poetikat to come up with 10 things you will never hear me say. Here are mine:

1. Gosh, I so love Oprah Winfrey.
2. President Bush and I agree on that issue.
3. Can I have some peanut butter?
4. Anybody have a smoke?
5. Not now, I am watching Judge Judy!
6. Britney Spears is a talented performer.
7. Gosh, is Dick Cheney ever a warm and sensitive guy!
8. I was working under the hood of my car.
9. I built that device from scratch.
10. Go Yankees!


STP said...

My father would eat on a spoon and would chase me around the house with it. I don't even like the smell!

SandyCarlson said...

These are fun, Scott. Peanut butter and the Yankees are among those things closest to my shallow little heart. The others I'm with you on 100 percent!

STP said...

From what I know of you, your heart is anything but shallow!!! That said, your take on PB and the Yanks is only a revelation of your human imperfections! ;-)

STP said...

If I were on the island with Kevin, then, I'd risk the sharks to avoid the peanut butter!

Do you use lighters or no flames at all?

Scott G said...

I love peanut butter, but am with you on the rest.

STP said...

Ok, what is it with my readers and peanut butter?! Not in my house!! :-)

Oh, and barbecues kind of scare me, too.

Everydaythings said...

these are really good... I might do this on my blog if u dont mind?

Everydaythings said...

oh and ps... this aussie was born in the Uk where there was more snow than I cared for..hence the journey to OZ!! lol

STP said...

I would not mind at all, Krissie, and I knew there had to be something behind you knowing from snow!