Thursday, April 10, 2008

Where can I get this drug?!

I stole this pic from John.


Scott G said...

I think Robin Williams sells them. It is just a placebo for Guinness though

STP said...

Ah, Guinness!!!

STP said...

Can I have the Guinness, but the pill, too?

Geraldine said...

LOL!!! IF you could market this one, you'd make a trillion $$$$

Anna said...

This is great! Best I have seen in a long time! (And by the way ... where do I get some? ...)

Actually I came to ask about link exchange. :D

This is Anna from Free Poems.

I've created a new poetry site and was wondering if you would like to exchange links.

I have added your link here:

Online Poetry Blogs

I have also created a blog where you can register and publish your own poems and stories. I would love to have your contributions if you are so inclined. The blog is

Poems and Stories. I hope you'll stop by.